Friday, December 2, 2022

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Identifying Tortfeasor Tripwires in Health Care Liability

There are three concepts of notice for identifying tortfeasors in health care liability: inquiry notice, pre-suit notice and reasonable notice. Each concept operates like a tripwire. Once tripped, the clock starts ticking for a specific period within which the patient’s lawyer must act or else be time-barred. Clint Kelly uses Archer v. Sodexo Operations and Bidwell v. Strait to explain the concepts, how they operate and where they intersect.

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Luke Wright: The Lawyer Who Saved Memphis

In History's Verdict, Russell Fowler tells the story of Luke Wright of Memphis, Tennessee’s preeminent lawyer of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. As prosecutor, defense attorney and corporate counsel, Wright litigated major civil and criminal cases across Tennessee and 15 appeals before the U.S. Supreme Court. He confronted brutal tyrants and lawless mobs alike. He was governor-general of the Philippines, our first ambassador to Japan and Theodore Roosevelt’s secretary of war. But perhaps his greatest contribution was his struggle to save Memphis during the great yellow fever epidemic of 1878.

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The Miracle Worker

In the third installment of "On the Road with TCB," Tasha shares Joan Nickum's story of being a dog rescue transport coordinator. Joan, quite literally, plots a transport path from shelter to freedom for dogs all over the country. Every weekend for 15 years, Joan has coordinated, supervised and monitored transports zigzagging across the U.S.

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Licensure & Discipline

Read about the lawyers who have recently been reinstated, disbarred, suspended, censured or transferred their licenses to disability inactive status.

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Nashville Attorney Co-Hosts Latest Episode of TBA BarBuzz Podcast

The November episode of the TBA's BarBuzz podcast is now streaming. Attorney Shellie Handelsman of Handelsman Law in Nashville joins the latest episode to give listeners a rundown of legal news from across the state, upcoming events and bar association happenings. BarBuzz is part of the TBA Podcast Network and can be found on the TBA's website or anywhere you listen to podcasts. 

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Pay No Monthly LawPay Fees for 3 Months

One of the top business struggles lawyers face is getting paid. Today's legal clients expect a variety of payment options, and if your firm doesn't provide them with a choice, they may have trouble paying their legal bills. In fact, data shows that law firms offering flexible payment options save 3 billable hours daily, increase profitability by 10%, and receive payments 32% faster. LawPay’s online payment solution allows you to conveniently collect credit, debit and eCheck payments — anytime, anywhere. Sign up for LawPay by December 31, and TBA members pay no monthly fees for 3 months! 
Get started here >>

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