Friday, August 19, 2022

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Early Intervention Saves Lives

It’s often been said: “alcoholics and addicts simply will not accept help until they hit bottom on their own and finally decide for themselves to get help.” That common belief is incorrect, dangerous, and potentially deadly. Buddy Stockwell covers how a well-planned professional intervention can be very effective in raising an alcoholic’s or addict’s “bottom” and helping the person into life-saving treatment before serious consequences accumulate.

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Is Joint Custody in the Child’s Best Interest or Not?

For some time now, it has become increasingly common for courts adjudicating divorce and custody actions to grant equal, or substantially equal, parenting time to both parties with minor children. What deference, if any, is being given to equal divisions of parenting time in a custody appeal what standards are the appellate courts using to affirm, or reverse, these critical decisions? Marlene Moses and Ben Russ explain.

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Belmont Law Student Wins 2022 Hastings Writing Competition

The TBA Environmental Law Section has announced Alejandra Nawrocki, a student at the Belmont University College of Law, as the winner of its Hastings Writing Competition for 2022. The judges felt that Nawrocki’s essay, Environmental Crime: Incentivizing Corporate Compliance Through a Modification of the Organizational Federal Sentencing Guidelines, was both timely and captured the spirit of the competition.

This year’s decision was a difficult one, with the University of Memphis Cecil C. Humphreys School of Law student Zachary Jernigan's essay, Equitable Apportionment Applied to Interstate Aquifers: Did Mississippi Really Not See This Decision Coming?, selected as a close runner-up. The section’s executive council would like to thank both Nawrocki and Jernigan for their thoughtful and impressive entries.

The competition, founded in memory of one of the Environmental Law Section's founding members, Jon E. Hastings, is a juried competition for the best legal writing by a Tennessee law student on a topic of Tennessee or federal environmental law.

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Sept/Oct Issue of the Journal Coming Soon!

The September/October issue of the Tennessee Bar Journal will arrive in your mailbox in the coming weeks! This issue's cover story features Todd Pinckley's take on how the threat of deregulation is affecting some professions. Andy Rowlett parses the in and outs of cyber insurance coverage, Eddy Smith looks at the joint revocable trust and Russell Fowler tells the story of "Fighting Judge Snodgrass." In her President's Perspective, Tasha C. Blakney gives readers a brief history of the professional privilege tax in Tennessee and issues a call to action for lawyers across the state. Don't miss it!

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Check out our 2022 TBA Convention coverage from our annual meeting in June at the Downtown Nashville Hilton!


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