Tuesday, April 26, 2022

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We're Moving! Farewell to Downtown, Change Reflects Shifts in Profession, Office Market

The Tennessee Bar Association (TBA) is officially opening new offices next week at 3310 West End Ave., Suite 590 in Nashville. The association is moving from its downtown location to leased space near the Vanderbilt University campus. It will operate there while the TBA Board of Governors evaluates office/event space needs for the bar in the future. TBA staff have been working remotely full-time since March 2020 and are now transitioning to a hybrid model, rotating between working in the office and working from home. The new space will be used primarily for office support with the potential option of holding small TBA leadership meetings there. Please call ahead if you need to meet with someone or drop something off at the office. The main phone number will remain the same but the fax number is no longer available. Staff email and direct phone lines are listed online. Read more about the move and downtown's Tennessee Bar Center in this feature.

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The Value of an Elder Law Attorney

The primary reason that the column, "Older & Wiser" exists is that elderly persons as clients, regardless of the legal discipline involved, are unique in many ways. Attorneys practicing in this area are often asked how this area of practice differs from that of other attorneys. While other attorneys focus on a type of law, Elder Law attorneys focus on a type of client. Matt and Kelly Frere explain in their column how attorneys who specialize in elder law and special needs issues can offer assistance to other lawyers in many areas.

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Spark! Quick Inspiration for Your Busy Day

Enjoy this quick inspiration from a beloved character … who may or may not in reality be a fictional stuffed animal. Who's to say?

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Coming Soon! May/June Issue Has a Few Surprises

The May/June issue will be out next week, containing help for burned-out lawyers, news on arbitration for sexual harassment claims and some award-winning fiction. We also welcome an old friend and new columnist, Eddy Smith, who begins again writing "Where There's a Will." We say goodbye and thank you to Dan Holbrook, who has written the column for 18 years, creating for our readers clarity amid confusion of the estate planning world.


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