TBA Law Blog

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Posted by: Azya Thornton on Sep 18, 2024
News Type: Your Practice

The easiest way to have access to client and matter data anywhere is with cloud-based practice management. An internet-connected device is all you need. Use this chart to determine which vendors have the features you desire. Find this and more in the Practice Management section of TBA’s Law Practice Management Center.

Posted by: Azya Thornton on Sep 12, 2024
News Type: Your Practice

Depending on your current practice management and accounting programs, you may be set no matter what changes happen to your firm from a revenue, staffing or practice area perspective. Some products can grow with you; others, not so much. If you’ve decided to change practice management or accounting programs, review this checklist to ensure a quality data conversion from your existing system to the new one. Find this and more in the Practice Management section of TBA’s Law Practice Management Center.

Posted by: Azya Thornton on Sep 4, 2024
News Type: Your Practice

Changing practice management systems is like moving to a new city. You know what did and didn’t work in the prior town, but you also know there are new and different things to explore. This checklist offers helpful starter questions on your journey to a new practice management system. Use it in conjunction with this list of features to consider for a full 360-degree picture of options and possibilities. Find this and more in the Practice Management section of TBA’s Law Practice Management Center.

Posted by: Stacey Shrader Joslin on Aug 29, 2024
News Type: Your Practice

Newer practice management systems have features unimaginable 20 years ago, particularly for solos and small firms. Want to integrate your phone system with a practice management program or access your data from anywhere? These and other cool features make it essential to prioritize your “needs” and “wants” before you shop around. Use this checklist in conjunction with “Moving to a New PM System” for a full 360-degree picture of options and possibilities. Find this and more in the Managing a Firm section of TBA’s Law Practice Management Center.

Posted by: Azya Thornton on Aug 21, 2024
News Type: Your Practice

Invoicing and fee collection are no fun. With a cloud-based TBA program, you can create, review and send electronic bills from anywhere. And, with one click, clients can pay promptly with credit cards. Compare web-based vendors or server-based vendors. Find this and more in the Money Management section of TBA’s Law Practice Management Center.

Posted by: Azya Thornton on Aug 14, 2024
News Type: Your Practice

Law school doesn’t teach the business end of law. Good cash flow and bookkeeping are essential. Use this guide to reconcile your firm account bank balances. Find this and more in the Money Management section of TBA’s Law Practice Management Center.

Posted by: Azya Thornton on Aug 7, 2024
News Type: Your Practice

Misappropriation of client funds is where many attorneys run afoul of professional conduct rules. Trust accounts, where you hold entrusted but unearned client money, deserve special care and monitoring. Use this guide to reconcile your trust account balances. Find this and more in the Money Management section of TBA’s Law Practice Management Center.

Posted by: Stacey Shrader Joslin on Jul 31, 2024
News Type: Your Practice

Working away from the office (or home) means accessing a network you don’t control. VPN services create an encrypted, secure link between your device and the provider’s servers. No one physically near you (or even on the same network) can spy on your communications. Compare functionality and features with this chart. Find this and more in the Building a Firm section of TBA’s Law Practice Management Center.

Posted by: Stacey Shrader Joslin on Jul 24, 2024
News Type: Your Practice

If you’re tired of performing “find and replace surgery” on word processor documents, this comparison chart will help you pick a document automation tool to make document creation quicker, easier and error-proof. Find this and more in the Document Automation and Assembly section of TBA’s Law Practice Management Center.

Posted by: Stacey Shrader Joslin on Jul 17, 2024

The overwhelming benefits of document automation come from stuff you already own: a word processor and your existing documents. While you can invest in technology to do great things, the biggest “bang for your buck” comes in reconciling and consolidating language you already have into templates. Learn how to create model documents that combine all your best language without spending a dime. Find this and more in the Document Automation and Assembly section of TBA’s Law Practice Management Center.

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