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Posted by: Katharine Heriges on Apr 26, 2017
News Type: TBA in the News

The video from the 2017 Tennessee High School Mock Trial Competition’s championship round is now available for streaming. This year’s competition featured a showdown between two Nashville teams, the all-girls Harpeth Hall squad versus the defending champions, the all-boys Montgomery Bell Academy. MBA took home the title once again. The 2017 case was a criminal trial, involving a death at a nursing home facility.

Posted by: Katharine Heriges on Apr 4, 2017
News Type: TBA in the News
Results have been tabulated in the Tennessee Bar Association elections. Winning candidates were: TBA East Grand Division Governor, Position 1, Tasha Blakney; TBA Second District Governor, Shelly Wilson; TBA House of Delegates YLD Middle Division, Nina Kumar; YLD Middle Tennessee Governor, Jason Hicks; YLD East Tennessee Governor, Brittany Thomas Faith; YLD District 3 Representative, Alyssa Minge; YLD District 5 Representative, Alexander McVeagh; YLD District 9 Representative, Anthony Adewumi; and YLD District 11 Representative, Debbie Zimmerle.
Posted by: Katharine Heriges on Feb 28, 2017
News Type: TBA in the News

Voting for TBA offices will begin tomorrow via electronic ballot. All members of the TBA's Young Lawyers Division, as well as TBA members in a district or Grand Division with a contested race, will receive an email with a link to the ballot. Voting will continue throughout the month of March.

Posted by: Allan Ramsaur on Feb 21, 2017
News Type: TBA in the News
Legislation to impose non-partisan elections for judges and clerks in Davidson and Shelby counties was deferred two weeks by its Senate sponsor today. The TBA opposes the bill, and has said "the TBA opposes the imposition of any election process on selective counties, whether by removal of the current local option or by establishing a new method different from that generally applicable to other counties. The TBA favors statewide uniformity as to the authority of local jurisdictions to prescribe the methods of filling state trial court judgeships, county judicial offices and judicial clerk offices." The Nashville Post today also cited opposition to the bill from the Nashville Bar Association.
Posted by: Katharine Heriges on Feb 20, 2017
News Type: TBA in the News

Weston Elected Vice President

Several positions for the TBA's Young Lawyers Division 2017-2018 bar year were certified last week via uncontested election results, including that of Vice President. Troy Weston was deemed elected for that office, and will serve as TBA YLD president for the 2019-2020 bar year. Electronic voting will begin March 1 for offices in contested races. See a complete list of TBA winners and contested races.
Posted by: Katharine Heriges on Feb 17, 2017
News Type: TBA in the News
In addition to Sarah Sheppeard’s election as Vice President, several other key positions for the 2017-2018 bar year were certified yesterday via uncontested election results. Electronic voting will begin March 1 for offices in contested races. For a complete list of TBA winners and contested races, visit the TBA website
Posted by: Amelia Ferrell Knisely on Mar 23, 2016
News Type: TBA in the News

The Nashville Business Journal shows the Tennessee Bar Association remains the state's largest association serving traditional professions. Information was obtained from association representatives and association websites.

Posted by: Stacey Shrader Joslin on Jan 31, 2014
News Type: TBA in the News

The TBA's involvement in the "Informed Voter -- Fair Judges" project was covered in today's Tennessean. The initiative is designed to educate voters about the importance of fair and impartial judicial elections and provide resources for evaluating judicial candidates. The article featured a quote by TBA President Cindy Wyrick, who also is state co-chairwoman of the project. “We want every citizen to know just how critical it is to our justice system that we, as voters, elect fair and impartial judges.” The project is sponsored by the National Association of Women Judges and the League of Women Voters. Tennessee is one of eight states to participate.

Posted by: Barry Kolar on Oct 30, 2013
News Type: TBA in the News

The Tennessee Society of Association Executives is celebrating 50 years of service to the state this year, and the current issue of its Connection magazine features a look back at the organization’s history and accomplishments. Among those featured are former TBA Executive Director Gil Campbell, who led the organization in 1992, and current TBA Executive Director Allan Ramsaur, who brought the organization into the digital age during his presidency in 2000. “I began my tenure by announcing that my year would be the year of the 'virtual presidency,’” Ramsaur said in the article. “Our goal would be to have a fully functional website and email communications scheme for our members by the end of the year, goals which we accomplished."

Posted by: Stacey Shrader Joslin on Jul 29, 2013
News Type: TBA in the News

When the head of one of Chattanooga’s most distinguished families admitted last week that he drained the accounts and mortgaged the home of his mentally ill sister, the event underscored a grave truth: most exploitation of the elderly and disabled occurs at the hands of those closest to them, the Times Free Press reports. Citing a 2009 study by the National Center on Elder Abuse, the paper reports that family members commit 90 percent of all elder abuse and 34 percent of financial abuse against the aged. TBA Executive Director Allan Ramsaur, interviewed for the story, talks about the association’s efforts to update state law and help judges stay informed about conservator abuse.

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