TBA Law Blog

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Posted by: Katharine Heriges on Feb 22, 2019
The Tennessee Bar Association, its Communications Law Section and the Tennessee Association of Broadcasters have announced the inaugural Reporters Workshop in Nashville on May 17-18. Twelve print, online, television, and/or radio journalists will be selected to complete the training, which will focus on access to government information, defamation and privacy concerns in reporting, and other timely topics. Applications are due March 29. For additional information, contact TBA program coordinator Jennifer Vossler.
Posted by: Katharine Heriges on Jan 23, 2019
News Type: TBA in the News
Were you not able to attend Saturday's annual Public Service Luncheon? Check out everything you missed in a new video posted to the TBA's YouTube channel. The event honored Angie Bergman with the Harris Gilbert Pro Bono Volunteer of the Year Award, Adrienne Kittos, who was named the Ashley T. Wiltshire Public Service Attorney of the Year Award, and Law Student Volunteer of the Year Amber Vargas. Former American Bar Association President Robert J. Grey, Jr. delivered the keynote address.
Posted by: Katharine Heriges on Jan 18, 2019
News Type: TBA in the News
The TBA’s Winter Leadership Conference kicked off today in Nashville, and will include the annual Public Service Luncheon tomorrow at the DoubleTree Hotel. The luncheon will recognize the 2019 Pro Bono Award honorees, including Angie Bergman, who will receive the Harris Gilbert Pro Bono Volunteer of the Year Award, Adrienne Kittos, who was named the Ashley T. Wiltshire Public Service Attorney of the Year Award, and Amber Vargas, who will be given the Law Student Volunteer of the Year Award. The Leadership Conference will see attorneys involved in TBA leadership roles from across the state gathering to learn and collaborate. The association's Board of Governors and leaders from the Young Lawyers Division, Sections, Committees and other groups will also meet.
Posted by: Katharine Heriges on Jan 9, 2019
News Type: TBA in the News
The Tennessee Bar Association will honor three attorneys at its upcoming Public Service Luncheon for their commitment to public service. Angie Bergman, an attorney at Bass Berry & Sims in Nashville, will receive the Harris Gilbert Pro Bono Volunteer of the Year Award. Adrienne Kittos, legal director at Tennessee Justice for Our Neighbors in Nashville, will received the Ashley T. Wiltshire Public Service Attorney of the Year Award. Amber Vargas, a new attorney at the Legal Aid Society of Middle Tennessee and the Cumberlands in Cookeville, will receive the Law Student Volunteer of the Year Award. The luncheon will be held on Jan. 19 at the DoubleTree Hotel in Nashville.
Posted by: Kate Prince on Jan 8, 2019
News Type: TBA in the News

The TBA Leadership Law (TBALL) Class of 2019 kicked off over the weekend with a three-day opening retreat at Montgomery Bell State Park. Now in its 16th year, the six-month program is designed to equip participants with the vision, knowledge and skills necessary to serve as leaders in the profession and in the community as a whole. The select group of 35 lawyers come from across the state, representing diverse practice areas and backgrounds. During the weekend retreat, class members heard presentations from a variety of prominent Tennessee lawyers including Nashville School of Law Dean William Koch, TBA President Jason Pannu, Abby Rubenfeld, Gordon Bonnyman and others. The group's next session, titled "Issues in Policy & Politics," will take place in Nashville in February.

Posted by: Kate Prince on Dec 12, 2018
News Type: TBA in the News

The TBA announced today that 35 attorneys from across the state have been selected for its 2019 Leadership Law program. Now in its 16th year, Leadership Law is designed to equip Tennessee lawyers with the vision, knowledge and skills necessary to serve as leaders in their profession and local communities. The class will meet for its first session in January, and then spend the next six months learning about leadership in the legal profession, issues in the courts, policymaking in state government and the importance of community service. Learn more about the program


Posted by: Katharine Heriges on Nov 27, 2018
News Type: TBA in the News
Ten Tennessee lawyers were sworn in today to practice before the U.S. Supreme Court in a ceremony in Washington, D.C. TBA President-elect Sarah Sheppeard was on hand to move the admission of the group, which also included TBA Executive Director Joycelyn Stevenson. The group arrived in D.C. yesterday for a reception at the historic Hay-Adams Hotel, and following this morning’s ceremony, enjoyed a tour of the Capitol conducted by staff from Sen. Bob Corker’s office. Those admitted include Laura Smith, Michele Denise Hodges, Nancy Choate, Cynthia Sellers, Laura Williams, Christopher Bellamy, Elaine Michele Youngblood, Laura Yancey Goodall, Wendy Longmire and Berkley E. Schwarz.
Posted by: Katharine Heriges on Nov 12, 2018
News Type: TBA in the News
The first class of the Tennessee Bar Association’s Public Service Academy graduated this weekend in Nashville. The program was designed to support lawyers who intend to seek local public offices such as city council, county commission and school board. The bipartisan group of lawyers from across the state trained on topics including messaging, budgets, field strategy and social media for their future campaigns. Many also announced their intent to run in their upcoming municipal elections in 2019. See photos here.
Posted by: Joycelyn Stevenson on Oct 31, 2018
News Type: TBA in the News
The TBA Board of Governors and relevant committees met over the course of two days in October, discussing issues of importance to the association. Highlights of the meeting included the adoption of an official TBA Public Policy that recognizes and approves the Path to Lawyer Well-Being, which is the comprehensive report of the National Task Force on Lawyer Well-Being. The Board also considered recommendations from TBA’s House of Delegates, approving several section-sponsored pieces of legislation reviewed by the House. In response to concerns raised by the House of Delegates related to Tennessee Supreme Court Sanctioned Pro Se Divorce Forms, the Board voted in favor of the creation of a task force to work with other legal organizations including the Administrative Office of the Courts to collect data from practitioners, judges and clerks in order to document and properly address those concerns.
Posted by: Katharine Heriges on Oct 31, 2018
News Type: TBA in the News

The TBA Board of Governors on Oct. 27 accepted recommendations from the Operations Committee to amend the TBA Bylaws. These amendments provide clarification of various sections associated with board governance. A link to the most recent version of the bylaws can be found here. The amendments provide clarification and revision to the following sections: parenthetical reference to the “Association," the definition of a regularly scheduled meeting of the members, eligibility requirements for election to the Board of Governors, the rotation of election of Governors, Board authority to change composition of District and Grand Divisions, Executive Committee responsibilities, notice of meetings protocol, Board action on policy recommendations of the House (this item has only been moved to another section with no changes made), eligibility requirements for election to the House of Delegates, responsibilities of Board officers, nomination protocol, vacancies of Board membership and vacancy of officer protocol. The draft revisions will be posted for 21 days, after which the Board of Governors will vote on the amendments at a specially set board meeting. CORRECTION NOTE: The original bylaws proposal attached to this article contained an error. Here is the corrected bylaws proposal

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