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Posted by: Stacey Shrader Joslin on Sep 11, 2019
News Type: TBA in the News

The Tennessee Voting Revival Alliance is launching a petition campaign urging the General Assembly to adopt automatic voter registration when it reconvenes in January. The petition references legislation that was introduced by Rep. Carson W. “Bill” Beck (D-Nashville) and Sen. Raumesh Akbari (D-Memphis) last session at the urging of three Chattanooga high school students who won the TBA Young Lawyers Division’s statewide CATALYST contest. That project encouraged students to draft legislative proposals and seek sponsors in the General Assembly for their ideas. The bills won sponsors in both chambers last session but the issue was moved to summer study. “Tennessee AVR was formed to pick up the torch the students lit,” the group’s founder says. Read more in the Chattanoogan.

Posted by: Joycelyn Stevenson on Aug 12, 2019
News Type: TBA in the News
Former TBA President George T. "Buck"; Lewis presided over the 2019 American Bar Association Pro Bono Publico Awards on Saturday as Chair of the ABA Committee on Pro Bono and Public Service. Lewis has chaired the committee the past three years. Prior to the start of the program, ABA President Bob Carlson surprised Lewis with a Presidential Citation honoring his years of service and dedication to the cause of access to justice. The Pro Bono Publico Awards Ceremony honored attorneys and law firms from across the country who have dedicated significant time and resources to pro bono work. The keynote speaker for the luncheon was California Supreme Court Chief Justice Tani G. Cantil-Sakauye.
Posted by: Barry Kolar on Aug 5, 2019
News Type: TBA in the News

The TBA premiered its HealthyBar podcast on Monday. The bi-monthly program will focus on attorney well-being and offer best practices and tips to keep you healthy. The first episode features attorney Joanna L. McCracken, who is a founding partner of the Piper McCracken family law firm in Nashville as well as a meditation teacher and certified yoga instructor. She uses the skills learned in these disciplines to educate the legal community on how to better handle occupational stress and how to use such skills to help clients. The HealthyBar podcast joins the TBA’s Podcast network lineup that also includes the monthly SideBar and BarBuzz programs. The shows are now available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Stitcher, TuneIn and the TBA's website. Simply search the show title or "Tennessee Bar Association" wherever you listen to podcasts.

Posted by: Joycelyn Stevenson on Jul 31, 2019
News Type: TBA in the News
The TBA Board of Governors will vote on proposed revisions to the organization’s bylaws after a 21-day period for members to review the proposal. The vote is scheduled to take place in late August. One of the revisions creates a category of non-voting, law firm, employer-level membership. Any law firm in which 100% of its Tennessee-based attorneys are members of the TBA will be eligible to become a law firm member of the association under rules established by the Board of Governors. The bylaws change will accommodate future benefits including a new health insurance plan that the TBA would like to offer its members this fall. The future health plan will offer coverage to a variety of employer members including solo practitioners with at least one qualifying W-2 employee. Proposed revisions to the bylaws can be viewed here and include corrections to existing typographical errors in the current bylaws. If you are interested in receiving updates on health insurance coverage through the TBA, please sign up here
Posted by: Katharine Heriges on Jul 15, 2019
News Type: TBA in the News
Applications are currently being accepted for the 2019 Public Service Academy, the TBA's bipartisan training program for attorneys who wish to seek local public office in their communities. The TBA once again seeks to train 25-30 attorneys to run for city council, school board, county commission and other local offices over two weekends in the fall. Graduates from last year's class are already running this year, so what are you waiting for? Find out more and apply at TBAPSA.org.
Posted by: Katharine Heriges on Jul 9, 2019
News Type: TBA in the News
The TBA is now accepting applications for its second annual Public Service Academy, a bipartisan training fellowship to provide attorneys with the tools to run for local political office. It takes place over the course of two weekends in the fall, during which fellows will hear speakers discuss topics like strategy, campaign finance, work-life balance and more. The 2019 co-chairs of the program are Tasha Blakney, of Knoxville, and Joel Wallace, of Clarksville. In 2018, the TBA launched the program and trained its inaugural class. Applications are due August 7.
Posted by: Katharine Heriges on Jul 1, 2019
News Type: TBA in the News
Ready to run? The TBA's Public Service Academy (PSA) will begin accepting applications from potential political candidates on Monday. The PSA is a bipartisan training program that provides Tennessee attorneys with the tools to run for local public offices. It takes place over the course of two weekends in the fall, during which fellows will learn strategy, campaign finance, work-life balance and more. In 2018, the TBA launched the program and trained its inaugural class of 29 attorneys. Several are running for office now.
Posted by: Katharine Heriges on Jul 1, 2019
News Type: TBA in the News
In accordance with Article 29 of the TBA Bylaws, the officers of the House of Delegates will fill 13 open positions in the House. If you would like to be considered for one of these positions, please submit a declaration of candidacy that includes your name, principal place of law practice, district of interest and contact information to TBA Executive Director Joycelyn Stevenson by July 15. Read a list of open positions here.
Posted by: Joycelyn Stevenson on Jun 19, 2019
News Type: TBA in the News
Three Tennessee attorneys were elected to fill open positions on the Tennessee Bar Association’s Board of Governors during the recent TBA Annual Convention in Nashville. Ahsaki Baptist, an attorney with FedEx Express in Memphis, will fill the West Grand Division Governor – Position 1 post. Amy Willoughby Bryant, an attorney with the Office of Conservatorship Management - Metro Nashville Davidson County, will hold the Fifth District Governor – Position 1 post.  Heidi Barcus, a Knoxville attorney with the law firm of London & Amburn PC will fill the Second District Governor post. In addition, Williamson County District Attorney Kim Helper will rejoin the board as the District Attorneys General Conference representative, Bo Burk will join the board as the District Public Defenders Conference representative and Judge Donald R. Elledge will serve on the board as the representative from the Tennessee Judicial Conference.
Posted by: Barry Kolar on Jun 15, 2019
News Type: TBA in the News
The Tennessee Bar Association unveiled a new look and identity during the 2019 TBA Annual Convention.

“The logo is a small part of a larger technology, website and information systems overhaul at TBA,” outgoing TBA President Jason Pannu said while unveiling the new logo to members at the Lawyers Luncheon.

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