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Posted by: Stacey Shrader Joslin on Jul 31, 2020

At this week’s virtual ABA Annual Meeting, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer shared insights on an array of topics, including what he considers to be the biggest threat to the rule of law: the current political divisions in the country. “Convince other people. Talk to them. Don’t shout at them. And convince them you’re right … And if you can’t convince people this time, maybe you will next time.” He also said he is optimistic for the future because the country has experienced "slavery, a civil war and a legal system of segregation" but has overcome them all and will continue to overcome new challenges. Read more about his comments or watch the interview with ABA President Judy Perry Martinez. Also during the meeting, the ABA presented its highest honor to former ABA president and World Justice Project founder William Neukom. Earlier in the day, Neukom led a discussion with Microsoft Corp. co-founder Bill Gates on the nation’s response to COVID-19 and recent protests around racial injustice.

Posted by: Barry Kolar on Jul 27, 2020

American Bar Association President Judy Perry Martinez today briefed the TBA's delegation to the ABA Virtual Annual Meeting in a Zoom call. Along with other ABA officials, she talked about the organization's response to the COVID-19 pandemic and what issues would be before the ABA House of Delegates when it convenes next week. Other ABA officials addressing Tennessee leaders included Executive Director Jack Rives, Treasurer Michelle Behnke, House of Delegates Speaker Bill Bay and President-Elect Patricia Lee Refo. The ABA conference kicks off on Wednesday and continues through next Tuesday.

Posted by: Stacey Shrader Joslin on Jul 15, 2020

The American Bar Association will hold its 2020 Annual Meeting virtually from July 29 to Aug. 4. Among the issues to be explored by attendees and governance bodies are legal problems created by the COVID-19 pandemic, police reform, foreign cyberthreats and voter suppression. Other highlights include remarks by U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer on July 29 and presentation of the association’s highest honor, the ABA Medal, to World Justice Project founder William H. Neukom. The ABA House of Delegates will meet on Aug. 3 and 4.

Posted by: Stacey Shrader Joslin on Feb 18, 2020
News Type: ABA Meeting News

The ABA House of Delegates, meeting in Austin yesterday, voted to approve a resolution calling on states to consider innovative approaches to the access-to-justice crisis that could improve the accessibility, affordability and quality of civil legal services. Language was added during consideration to clarify that nothing in the resolution should be construed as altering ABA model rules, including Rule 5.4, which covers non-lawyer ownership of law firms. For other actions taken by the ABA House during the group's Midyear Meeting, see this recap.

Posted by: Katharine Heriges on Aug 27, 2019
News Type: ABA Meeting News
The council of the ABA Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar, which met in an open session Friday, approved various proposed revisions to accreditation rules and standards, but tabled, for further discussion, a suggested change to Standard 206, which addresses diversity and inclusion, the ABA Journal reports. The standard states that law schools should show their commitment to diversity by providing underrepresented groups, “particularly racial and ethnic minorities,” full opportunities to study law and enter the profession.
Posted by: Katharine Heriges on Aug 14, 2019
News Type: ABA Meeting News

Judy Perry Martinez of Simon, Peragine, Smith & Redfearn in New Orleans became president of the American Bar Association yesterday at the conclusion of the ABA Annual Meeting in San Francisco. Arizona attorney Patricia Lee Refo assumed the mantle of president-elect, and will serve as the organization's president in the 2020-2021 bar year.

Posted by: Katharine Heriges on Jun 7, 2019
News Type: ABA Meeting News
The American Bar Association Board of Governors has voted to move its 2021 Midyear Meeting from Orlando to Chicago, with the expectation of saving more than $1 million, the ABA Journal reports. The association’s headquarters are located in the city. The meeting will take place Feb. 10-15, 2021. 
Posted by: Liz Slagle Todaro on May 15, 2019
News Type: ABA Meeting News
Nearly 30 members of the Tennessee legal community joined a record crowd at the 2019 Equal Justice Conference in Louisville last week. The annual event drew close to 1,200 lawyers, law students and members of the judiciary, who discussed the delivery of legal services to the poor and low-income individuals in need of legal assistance. Those representing Tennessee included Supreme Court Chief Justice Jeffrey Bivins, Access to Justice Commission liaison Justice Connie Clark, ATJ Commission Chair and past TBA President Gail Ashworth, TBA Vice-president Michelle Greenway Sellers, TBA ATJ Committee Chair Jim Barry and TBA Executive Director Joycelyn Stevenson, as well as representatives from legal service organizations across the state. Former TBA President Buck Lewis serves as chair of the American Bar Association's Standing Committee on Pro Bono and Public Service, which co-sponsors the annual conference. 
Posted by: Katharine Heriges on Feb 6, 2019
News Type: ABA Meeting News
The deadline to nominate yourself or another attorney for an American Bar Association presidential appointment for the 2019-2020 bar year is Feb. 15. ABA President-elect Judy Perry Martinez is expected to make approximately 700 appointments to ABA Standing Committees, Special Committees, Commissions and other association entities and initiatives, which are open to any ABA member. Questions can be directed to ABA State Delegate John Tarpley, (615) 259-1395, or ABA Resources Chair Jonathan Cole, (615) 726-7335.
Posted by: Katharine Heriges on Jan 28, 2019
News Type: ABA Meeting News
The American Bar Association House of Delegates today approved a resolution encouraging courts to take a consistent approach to the "fair use" doctrine, a defense to copyright infringement that permits use of copyrighted works for free without obtaining a license or permission in appropriate circumstances, The ABA Journal reports. The resolution, passed at the ABA Midyear Meeting in Las Vegas, asks that repackaging and distribution of all, or nearly all, of a copyrighted work to the copyright owner’s actual or potential market not be deemed a “transformative” act in favor of fair use, regardless of whether the copyrighted material is delivered more efficiently.

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