Linda Warren Seely
Butler Snow LLP

6075 Poplar Avenue, Suite 500
Memphis, TN 38119

Office Phone: (901) 680-7298
Law School: Memphis Cecil C. Humphreys School of Law
Earliest License Date: 10/02/1981
Areas of Interest: Alternative Dispute Resolution, Bar Executive, Disability Law, Dispute Resolution, Education, Elder Law, Family Law, Juvenile Law, Law Office Administration, Probate & Trust Law, Legal Education & Bar Admin.
Others Areas: Mediation

Linda Warren Seely is a licensed attorney in Tennessee who has served as a Rule 31 listed mediator for over 10 years.  She is active in various bar associations having served as member of the Madison County Bar Association Board of Directors from 1997-2001, President of the Association of Women Attorneys-Anne Schneider Chapter from 2001-2004 and Seventh District Representative on the Tennessee Bar Association Board of Bar Governors 2002 through 2012.  She now serves on the Tennessee Bar Association's House of Delegates.  She is a recipient of the Tennessee Alliance for Legal Services Cooperative Advocacy Award in 1999, the Tennessee Bar Association Public Service Attorney of the Year Award in 2001 and Paralegal Utilization Award from the West Tennessee Chapter of the Tennessee Paralegal Association in 2004.  She was also awarded the Tennessee Bar Association President's Award at the TBA Annual Conference in June of 2006 for work on Stand Up and Deliver initiative and in June of 2009 for work on the For All Initiative and the Association for Women Attorneys Marion Griffin Attorney of the Year Award in 2014 and in 2015 was recognized by the Business and Professional Women of West Tennessee as one of 20 of the Most Influential Women in West Tennessee with a Sterling Award.  She has been recognized by the Memphis Woman Magazine as one of 50 Women Who Make a Difference in August and is a past President of the Tennessee Lawyers Association for Women (2005-2006) and is a consultant with the American Bar Association Center for Pro Bono and presents at the A.B.A. Equal Justice Conference annual "Nuts and Bolts of Running a Pro Bono Project".  Linda is currently working in Memphis as Director of Pro Bono Projects at Memphis Area Legal Services since 2004 and serves as Secretary for the Memphis Bar Association and served as President of the Memphis Bar in 2013 and currently serves as the President of the Association for Women Attorneys Foundation in Memphis.  She is the recent past chair of the Tennessee Bar Association ADR Section and currently serves as the Memphis Bar Association ADR section chair.  She is a member of the Tennessee Association of Professional Mediators, the Mediation Awareness Coalition and the Memphis Collaborative Alliance.  She conducts family law mediations and mediations for the United Methodist Church/Memphis Conference and serves as the Peace with Justice Coordinator for the Memphis Conference.

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Current TBA Leadership Positions
Access to Justice Committee Chair
Dispute Resolution Section West TN Delegate

Committee Memberships
Access to Justice Committee
CLE Committee

Section Memberships
Dispute Resolution Section
Law Office and Technology/Management Section

Other Group Memberships