Press Releases

Posted by: Stacey Shrader Joslin on Sep 21, 2005

Effort is part of TBA President Bill Haltom’s “Stand Up and Deliver” initiative

NASHVILLE, Sept. 21, 2005 — Tennessee attorneys this week are launching a public education campaign to spur meaningful dialogue about our nation’s founding principles as we celebrate Constitution Week.
 Members of the Tennessee Bar Association (TBA) will be talking to civic groups, school classes and other organizations about the importance of the constitution, the rule of law and our jury system. In addition, the TBA will be making a number of resources on the topic available for others to use in presentations.

The effort is part of TBA President Bill Haltom’s “Stand Up and Deliver” initiative that encourages lawyers to join in a statewide-grassroots campaign to remind citizens that what makes America great is not wealth, military might or national resources, but the rule of law.

“We are a nation of laws,” Haltom said. “All men and women are considered equal under the law, and disputes are resolved by the impartial application of the law by judges and juries. These themes should engage us this week, but also continue to spark conversation into the future.”

For those interested in more detailed resources, the TBA recommends the following sites:

U.S. Department of Education:

The National Archives:

The National Endowment for the Humanities:

The Federal Judiciary:

National Constitution Center:

Center for Civic Education:

The Bill of Rights Institute: