Press Releases

Posted by: Stacey Shrader Joslin on Dec 10, 2009

Two initiatives in 2009 provided needed legal services for Tennessee's poor

NASHVILLE, Dec. 10, 2009. Two Tennessee Bar Association community service programs have been nominated for the American Society of Association Executive's "Associations Advance America Awards." The programs - Justice 4 All and Tennessee Celebrates Pro Bono - were major initiatives undertaken during the year to enhance volunteer legal services by lawyers across the state.

In announcing the awards nominations, TBA President Gail Vaughn Ashworth said, "The deep care, constant concern and eager willingness to serve as demonstrated by the numbers of lawyers participating in these programs is truly extraordinary. It is certainly an honor for the TBA to be nominated for one of these prestigious awards."

The 4ALL campaign included a public awareness component, including $100,000 of media exposure; an educational DVD that was viewed by 2,000 lawyers; collaboration among state, local and specialty bar associations in addressing unmet legal needs; enhanced pro bono reporting requirements; and several administrative, procedural and legislative changes to encourage pro bono service. Learn more about the 4ALL campaign

Tennessee Celebrates Pro Bono was a month-long celebration that mobilized lawyers throughout the state and celebrated the volunteer efforts of lawyers. Governor Phil Bredesen signed a Celebrate Pro Bono Proclamation declaring October Celebrate Pro Bono Month in Tennessee and recognizing Tennessee lawyers for their pro bono work. The Celebrate Pro Bono Month culminated with celebrations of the 25th anniversary of the Tennessee Interest On Lawyers' Trust Accounts (IOLTA) Program, which has funded more than $15 million worth of free legal services during its existence. Learn more about Celebrate Pro Bono

The Associations Advance America Awards recognize associations that propel America forward with innovative projects in public education and information; civic and community volunteer activities; and citizenship and democracy enhancement. The awards are given each year by the American Society of Association Executives (ASEA), the membership organization and voice of the association profession. Founded in 1920, ASAE has more than 22,000 association CEOs, staff professionals, industry partners and consulting members. ASAE serves approximately 10,000 associations that represent more than 287 million people in organizations worldwide.