Press Releases

Posted by: Stacey Shrader Joslin on Apr 21, 2010

American Bar Association award honors legislative efforts

NASHVILLE, April 21, 2010 — The American Bar Association (ABA) presented its ABA Day Grassroots Award to the Tennessee Bar Association this week in Washington, D.C. in recognition of the association's effectiveness in lobbying Congress on issues of concern to the justice system, especially legal aid for the poor.

TBA leaders -- including President Gail Vaughn Ashworth, President-elect Sam Elliott, former president Larry Wilks and Young Lawyers Division President David Changas -- are in the nation's capital this week meeting with members of the Tennessee congressional delegation about the need to improve and modernize funding for the Legal Services Corporation, which provides funding for legal aid organizations in Tennessee. They joined hundreds of leaders from bar associations coast-to-coast who convened on Capitol Hill for the ABA's annual legislative event.

In presenting the award, ABA officials said "The TBA is seen as a national leader among state bars in organizing support for Legal Services Corporation." The ABA also specifically referenced the work of TBA Executive Director Allan Ramsaur.