TBA Law Blog

Posted by: Stacey Shrader Joslin on Jun 20, 2023

The TBA Young Lawyers Division met last week in Knoxville in conjunction with the TBA's 2023 Annual Convention. On Friday, the group held its Annual Meeting, at which Memphis lawyer Quinton Thompson took office as president. Others taking office were President-elect Sean Aiello of Franklin, Vice President Alex McVeagh of Chattanooga, Secretary Ross Smith of Nashville and Treasurer Darius Walker Jr. of Nashville. The 2023-2024 YLD Board then met on Saturday for committee planning sessions and its first board meeting. On Friday, the group met for its annual board dinner. During the evening, outgoing president Brittany Thomas Faith presented a number of awards. The President’s Award was given to Knoxville lawyer Samantha Ellis for her work developing YLD CLE programs, and Chattanooga lawyer Justin Faith for his assistance during the year. Distinguished service awards were presented to Hamilton County Judge Alex McVeagh and President-elect Quinton Thompson. The Public Service Award was presented to Mock Trial Long Range Planning Committee Chair Kati Goodner and Mock Trial Committee Chair Judge Zack Walden and Vice Chair Ashley Tipton for their work on the 2023 competition. Finally, six were recognized with Star of the Quarter Awards: Billy Leslie, for service as immediate past president; Michael Holmes, for assistance with the mock trial competition; Courtney Smith, for service as co-chair of the Diversity Committee; Lindsay Oakes for service as Publications Committee vice chair; and Charlotte Mattingly and John Murphy for work on the "Welcome to Tennessee Basket.” In addition to YLD activities, the 2023 class of the Diversity Leadership Institute met for programming during the convention and celebrated their graduation at the dinner. The group completed a service project at the Richard Bean Detention Center on Saturday.