TBA Law Blog

Posted by: Julia Wilburn on May 10, 2023

The Division of State Audit in the Office of the Comptroller of the Treasury is currently conducting a performance audit of the Court Systems Indigent Defense Procedures for assigning, compensating and reimbursing private attorneys. Attorneys practicing in Tennessee are invited to participate in a brief survey. The questions in the survey should be interpreted to refer to cases where attorneys are appointed to represent indigent clients under Tennessee Supreme Court Rules 13, 40 and 40A.

If you decide to participate, your responses will be anonymous and cannot be linked to you unless you include your personally identifiable information in the comment boxes provided within the survey document. Responses will be used to help gauge concerns and potential risks associated with the procedures regarding indigent defense in Tennessee. The division plans to provide the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) and the Tennessee General Assembly with recommendations or suggestions based on the overall results of the survey. Even if you provide identifiable information in the survey, all survey responses are confidential pursuant to Tenn. Code Ann. 10-7-504(a)(22)(d). The comptroller’s office will not report individual responses; any information will only be reported in the aggregate. Click here to access the survey.

The deadline to complete the survey is May 22. If you have questions or if you are interested in discussing your survey responses in further detail, please contact Legislative Audit Manager, Aaron Kistler at 615-401-3070 or COT.Survey@cot.tn.gov.