TBA Law Blog

Posted by: Julia Wilburn on Mar 7, 2023

The state legislature has discussed several bills and resolutions regarding firearms this week, reports WBBJ 7 Eyewitness News. HJR0131 would establish: “…the declared public policy of the State of Tennessee relative to the right of the citizens and those within the boundaries of this State to keep, bear and wear arms.” HJR0038 would amend the Tennessee Constitution, removing the part that “authorizes the legislature to regulate the wearing of arms with a view to prevent crime and to clarify that citizens have a right to keep and bear arms for their defense, and not just for common defense.” HJR0080 would urge the attorney general and reporter to review “any newly passed federal statute, regulation or executive order that may affect the rights of Tennesseans to bear arms.” If passed, it would allow them to sue if found to be an infringement. HB1189 would add protections to manufactures, sellers and dealers of firearms.