TBA Law Blog

Posted by: Stacey Shrader Joslin on Mar 3, 2023

Members of the Tennessee Black Caucus are calling on legislative leaders to take action against Rep. Paul Sherrell, R-Sparta, following his remarks at a committee hearing about new execution procedures. The House Criminal Justice Committee was considering a bill to allow for use of the electric chair and firing squads in state executions when Sherrell suggested another option. “Can I put an amendment on that that would include hanging by a tree also?” The comment went viral with some calling on Sherrell to resign and others calling for him to be removed from his committees. Rep. Sam McKenzie, D-Knoxville, chair of the Black Caucus, also said the Republican Caucus should speak up. Yesterday, two days after the comment, Sherrell read an apology during a House session, WPLN reports. Rep. McKenzie said in response, “We lived a 15-generation nightmare in this country … This situation is not over.” WKRN has his comments.