TBA Law Blog

Posted by: Laura Labenberg on Jan 27, 2023

The TBA YLD is committed to providing members with practical resources that increase their membership value and is excited to announce a new member benefit. The "Welcome to Tennessee Basket" offers a range of standard forms, helpful links, suggested reading and practice guides. Be sure to be logged into your TBA account to check it out. If you have a form that you use on a regular basis and you think other young lawyers would benefit from, please upload it to this link. Though you do not have to have personally created the form, if you did not, then it needs to be publicly available or you should have permission to share it. Forms could be those you frequently access online or one provided by the AOC for your practice area. The TBY YLD Board will go through all forms to review and edit for quality and formatting. If you have another resource you would recommend please send that to YLD Coordinator Laura Labenberg.