TBA Law Blog

Posted by: Stacey Shrader Joslin on Jun 29, 2022

New data from the National Center for Health Statistics indicates that more than a quarter of adults do not meet the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) and the Sleep Research Society’s (SRS) recommendation of seven hours of sleep per day. The study also found that 14.5% percent had trouble falling asleep almost every night and 17.8% had trouble staying asleep. Among the group’s other findings: (1) with increasing age, adults are less likely to have trouble falling asleep but more likely to have trouble staying asleep; (2) women are more likely than men to have trouble falling and staying asleep; (3) non-Hispanic white adults had the most trouble staying asleep of all ethnicities studied; and (4) sleep difficulties decreased as income, education levels and urbanization increased. AASM has a number of tools to increase the duration and quality of sleep. Check out their bedtime calculator and sleep diary, among other resources.