TBA Law Blog

Posted by: Kate Prince on Apr 28, 2022

A new report from Disability Rights Tennessee and the Youth Law Center claims the Wilder Youth Development Center in Somerville is being run like a “dangerous jail,” in violation of state and federal laws, the Associated Press reports. The report says Wilder has a dearth of rehabilitative and educational services, a disproportionately high number of Black youths and young people with disabilities confined there and a reliance on solitary confinement. It also says the facility has a “pattern and practice of abuse perpetrated by staff at Wilder, including physical abuse, sexual abuse, and staff orchestrating attacks on youth.” A spokesperson with the Tennessee Department of Children’s Services said a full review of the report would be conducted, but expressed confidence that community partners, lawmakers and staff could “work towards a resolution to any concern that may exist.” Read the report here.