TBA Law Blog

Posted by: Stacey Shrader Joslin on Mar 16, 2022

It’s easy in these difficult, uncertain times to lose hope, but allowing ourselves to sink into a funk can affect our professional and personal lives. Leadership development consultant Dane Jensen says that hope has not often been a topic in business but the COVID pandemic has changed that. Today, he says, business leaders are realizing that hope is essential for workers’ satisfaction, motivation, health and performance. When things look bleak, remaining hopeful is one of the toughest but most essential self-management tasks. He lays out three steps we can take to reclaim hope: (1) imagine a plausible positive future, (2) identify steps to achieve that future, and (3) view setbacks as inflection points to reset. When we believe that the future will be better than the present and that we have the power to make it so, we can sustain hope and enjoy its many benefits. Learn how to get started in Jensen's recent Harvard Business Review article.