TBA Law Blog

Posted by: Stacey Shrader Joslin on Mar 9, 2022

The ABA Solo, Small Firm and General Practice Division has been focusing on wellness issues in its newsletter for members. The “Legal Burnout Solution” series has dealt with a number of topics, including making time for self-care. A recent issue featured a foreclosure attorney who reprogrammed how she thinks about work hours. By slightly adjusting her work schedule to prioritize morning workouts, she now reports enjoying and staying consistent with exercise and feeling less stress, all while maintaining the same level of service to her clients. She shares how she overcame challenges to stick with her plan. The article also looks at the “Prepare, Prune, Pass it On, and Plan” model, which is designed to help prioritize projects and reinforce new positive behaviors. Read more about self-care and watch for an upcoming issue about improving self-esteem.