TBA Law Blog

Posted by: Stacey Shrader Joslin on Feb 9, 2022

Are you tired of the endless work hustle? Then it is time to ease up, says Iffy Ibekwe, founder and principal attorney at the Texas estate planning firm Ibekwe Law. In a recent article for Above the Law, Ibekwe recommends creating an end of the workday ritual to enforce boundaries that work for your life. Like a bedtime routine that prepares us to sleep well, a routine to end the workday can provide closure for the day, free us up to move into “personal time” and set us up for success the next day. Her first recommendation is to set a time to end the workday. As that time approaches, she advocates reviewing the next day’s meetings and tasks; creating a to-do list for the next day but limiting it to only two items; turning off the computer; tidying up your workspace; reflecting on the day; and then leaving the workspace. It will all be there tomorrow. We will be in a much better place to face those challenges if we step away today.