TBA Law Blog

Posted by: Stacey Shrader Joslin on Jan 12, 2022

Texas lawyer Iffy Ibekwe, founder of Ibekwe Law, writes in an article for Above the Law about a conversation she recently had with other lawyers about a colleague’s successful civil jury verdicts. The conversation quickly turned to how others’ success can shed light on our insecurities and perceived shortcomings. Ibekwe says it’s natural to compare our work to others, but also warns that comparison can steal our joy. She also suggests asking, “Why do I care so much about what another attorney is earning?” or “Why do I care what another attorney is charging?” If the reason is because you want to be doing the same thing, then give yourself permission to go for it. “If you are dissatisfied and stuck where you are, permit yourself to go another way. Don’t find yourself being that lawyer in the back, grumbling about another lawyer doing what you may deep down want to do yourself. You may even discover that some things you desire are not worth the effort or misalign with your values ... No matter the outcome, when you permit yourself to try, you get opportunities to learn and grow.