TBA Law Blog

Posted by: Stacey Shrader Joslin on Dec 17, 2021

The House Select Committee on Redistricting today voted to advance its own draft state map that would eliminate five House Democratic seats, the Tennessean reports. The proposal drew criticism from House Democrats, who argued Republicans reshaped the lines for political gain. Democrats released their redistricting plan yesterday. The committee also heard presentations on proposals submitted by the public, although most maps did not meet the House redistricting guidelines. Tennessee Lookout reports that a staff member for Tennessee Attorney General Herbert Slatery was one of those submitting a plan, raising questions from some. Sen. Heidi Campbell, D-Nashville, questioned whether the move was a conflict of interest since the attorney general’s office will have to defend the final maps if suits are filed. Slatery’s office said the staffer submitted the plan “on his own time and as a private citizen.” The committee is tentatively set to meet again the week of Jan. 10 to approve a new map for congressional seats.