TBA Law Blog

Posted by: Stacey Shrader Joslin on Oct 12, 2021

City Councilwoman Demetrus Coonrod said the pay of the city court judge should be cut in half from the current $180,000 to $90,000, Chattanoogan.com reports. Coonrod said the $180,000 salary was based on city court having the same jurisdiction as the general sessions court, but that has not been the case for many years. City Council Chair Chip Henderson recommended that the council not take action until the city conducts a comparative pay study. City Attorney Emily O'Donnell also noted that a judge’s pay may not be cut during their current term. The council recently voted to suspend the court's Division II, leaving Division I to handle all matters. Two candidates — former local prosecutor Brian Bush and current city judge Sherry Pati — have announced their intentions to run for that seat.