TBA Law Blog

Posted by: Kate Prince on Sep 8, 2021

Participants and team members from the 23rd Judicial District Drug Court helped those impacted by the deadly flooding in Waverly last month. The group was among the first volunteers to help clear the roads of debris, removing furniture and appliances from destroyed homes and helping victims salvage any belongings they could find. Humphreys County Circuit Court Clerk Edie Stainforth reported that several drug court participants sifted through the mud to find a small box containing sentimental jewelry. Another homeowner reported that the drug court crew recovered a family photo album. The 23rd Judicial District Drug Court Program was established 22 years ago. Those accepted into the program are sent to in-patient treatment for at least 28 days and afterwards live in one of the program’s Sober Living Houses. “Public service is a vital part of our recovery program,” said Drug Court Director Kevin Batts. Read more from the Administrative Office of the Courts.