TBA Law Blog

Posted by: Kate Prince on Nov 5, 2020

President Donald Trump’s campaign has filed lawsuits in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Georgia and is trying to intervene in a pending Pennsylvania case seeking U.S. Supreme Court review, the ABA Journal reports. Suits in Pennsylvania and Michigan seek to stop the vote count until GOP poll watchers can gain more access to the counting process. A Pennsylvania court today sided with Trump, ruling that observers should be allowed to watch all parts of the vote count “within 6 feet.” The Georgia suit centered on Chatham County and alleged absentee ballots were being accepted after the deadline and that a poll worker saw late ballots being added to on-time ballots. The Hill reports that a county judge dismissed that suit hours after it was filed. The Trump campaign also has called for a recount of votes in Wisconsin. The ABA Journal has a breakdown of additional legal actions filed by the campaign.