TBA Law Blog

Posted by: Sarah Sheppeard on Jun 1, 2020

Our country, our state and our cities are struggling today to process how our nation can heal in the wake of so much tragedy affecting so many people in our communities. Many have opined that we are in unprecedented times; unfortunately, history teaches us we have been here before and that the road to change is long but not impossible. Another thing we have been taught by history is that legal community leaders cannot be bystanders. We must serve as leaders and support opportunities for education and empowerment related to the administration of justice, the impact of the justice system on citizens, and a critical examination of how we can strengthen, and in some cases, rebuild trust and faith in the rule of law and our legal institutions.

Lawyers have always served as agents of reform and we have a responsibility and an opportunity to champion meaningful reforms to create systemic change. The Tennessee Bar Association realizes that there is more that we can do to serve as a leader on the very important issues facing our state. We appreciate the feedback we have received on how we can better serve our members and the community, and we are continuing to listen. While we have long had committees dedicated to issues related to diversity and inclusion, we are now more committed than ever to facilitating significant and challenging discussions on how we as an association can drive solutions.

ALSO: TBA Young Lawyers President Terica Smith comments on the role lawyers can play in battling injustice and brutality. 

Our upcoming virtual convention includes a roundtable devoted specifically to issues of diversity and inclusion and bringing our members together to discuss how lawyers can better meet the current needs of diverse communities. Our Young Lawyers Division will continue its advocacy and service opportunities for lawyers to get involved and make a difference. 

The challenges and sadness felt around the country, already exacerbated in our state by natural disasters and a global pandemic, feel overwhelming. Please know that the TBA will continue to listen, learn, foster dialogue and support change to increase meaningful access to resources and justice for all.