TBA Law Blog

Posted by: Joycelyn Stevenson on Nov 7, 2018
In a recent item about proposed changes to the TBA bylaws, we were alerted to an inadvertent error in the proposed language to Section 23 of the revised bylaws that not only moved the provision but changed the wording. The change in wording was not considered by the Board of Governors prior to the posted notice last week and upon discovery of the error, action was immediately taken to remedy the issue to reflect the language outlined in the original TBA Today posting pointing out the placement change. The TBA appreciates the input of its members and their faithful communication about all aspects of TBA Today, but especially one such as this, which could have resulted in unintended consequences. The requirement that notice be given of proposed bylaws changes is not only so that the membership will be informed and can comment, but also so that any errors can be pointed out and corrected. The 21-day notice period to the membership will restart today and the Board will consider all proposed changes at a specially set meeting after the notice period ends. Please click here to find updated proposed revisions of the TBA bylaws to reflect changes under consideration by the Board of Governors. The current bylaws can be found here.