Press Releases

Posted by: Katharine Heriges on Dec 16, 2016

Will stay on as Emeritus Director to handle legislative, strategic initiatives

NASHVILLE, Dec. 16, 2016 — Effective the first of the year, Allan Ramsaur, longtime executive director of the Tennessee Bar Association (TBA), will begin stepping back from day-to-day responsibilities for administration of the association. He will assist in the search for and retention of a new executive director for the association and will transition into the role of emeritus director.
In that new role, he will continue to answer to the TBA Board of Governors and represent the association in governmental affairs and court administration issues, work on issues in ethics and professional responsibility, develop policy, oversee financial administration and focus on important strategic initiatives in continuing legal education, technology and evolving legal markets for the TBA and the foundation, until his full retirement in June of 2018.
The TBA will immediately begin a search for a new executive director.
“You would be hard pressed to find an individual who has done more to advance our profession, promote access to justice, and facilitate an understanding of the legal profession in the past 20 years,” said TBA President Jason Long. “We are eternally grateful for Allan’s dedication and skill in leading the association.” 
During his almost 20-year tenure the TBA has:
- More than tripled in membership
- Increased communication with members, from every other month to daily
- Built the quality, quantity and variety of continuing legal education produced by the association, resulting in a 10-fold increase in education revenues
- Proposed, and seen enacted, thorough rewrites of the ethics rules for lawyers and judges
- Acquired, refurbished and equipped a new home for Tennessee lawyers, the Tennessee Bar Center, which continues to serve members in downtown Nashville
- Instituted dedicated access to justice programming devoted to pro bono and public service
- Established the award-winning Leadership Law program and nurtured the expansion of young lawyer activities
- Developed diversity, lawyer assistance and well-being efforts
- Enhanced member service through insurance programs, Fastcase legal research, and job board services 
Ramsaur is most often identified in his role as the chief lobbyist for the legal profession. Ramsaur’s career-long interest in legislative affairs began with his work for the Tennessee Department of Mental Health, continued with his role as counsel for the legal aid clients at the Tennessee Alliance for Legal Services and as the first executive director of the Nashville Bar Association. Most recently, Ramsaur lead the association’s effort to rewrite the state’s conservatorship law to enhance protections for wards and streamline administration.
“I have always considered it a rare privilege to work with some of the best and brightest lawyers who, at the height of their careers, come to the association to do good,” said Ramsaur. “Being able to assist in their success is rewarding beyond measure.”
Jimmie Lynn Ramsaur has been married to Allan for 44 years. They have two adult children, Kate and Ben. 
