Press Releases

Posted by: Amelia Ferrell Knisely on Jun 9, 2016

Lowe, Yeager & Brown partner to serve in 2016-2017

NASHVILLE, June 13, 2016 — Knoxville lawyer Jason H. Long will take office as president of the Tennessee Bar Association (TBA) at the group’s annual convention this week in Nashville. Long previously served as president-elect during the 2015-2016 bar year.

“The TBA plays a preeminent role in promoting civility and professionalism within the bar and facilitating access to justice and an understanding of the legal system throughout the state,” Long said. “It is a great honor to follow in the footsteps of those who have led this association so well and to continue their work.”   

During his tenure, Long will lead the TBA to focus on educating and empowering Tennessee lawyers to adapt to and thrive in today’s evolving legal marketplace. The TBA will facilitate the use of greater technology and innovative practice to promote efficiency in legal work and to increase opportunities for Tennesseans to secure quality representation.

Long is a partner with Lowe, Yeager & Brown and works primarily in the areas of professional malpractice defense and licensure issues, commercial litigation, general civil litigation, municipal zoning and adoption law. He joined the firm in 2014. Long previously worked at Sheppeard & Swanson PLLC and London & Amburn PC.  He graduated in 1996 from the University of Tennessee College of Law.

Long has been an active member of the TBA since 1998, serving in multiple roles, including president of the Young Lawyers Division and chair of the Operations Committee of the Board of Governors. He received the President’s Award in 2009 for his service as coordinator of the “Justice 4 All” statewide public service day project.

He also has been active in his local legal community, having served as the president of the Knoxville Bar Association (KBA) Barristers Division and chair of the KBA Membership Committee. 

Taking office along with Long will be President-elect Lucian T. Pera of Adams and Reese LLP in Memphis and Vice President Jason Pannu of Lewis Thomason in Nashville. Bill Harbison of Sherrard Roe Voigt & Harbison in Nashville served as TBA president during the 2015-2016 bar year.  

The 2016 TBA Annual Convention will be held June 15-18 at the Sheraton Music City Hotel. The annual meeting allows legal groups in the state to address common issues and concerns and offers opportunities for additional education, long-range planning, and recognition of attorneys who have performed outstanding legal work and community service. 

A high-resolution photograph of Long is available here
