Press Releases

Posted by: Stacey Shrader Joslin on Jun 30, 2015

Awards presented at TBA Convention in Memphis

NASHVILLE, June 29, 2015 – Outgoing Tennessee Bar Association (TBA) President Jonathan Steen presented the Liberty Bell Award to the Jackson-based Howell Edmunds Jackson American Inn of Court at the TBA Convention in Memphis this month. Inn President Laura Williams with Rainey Kizer Reviere & Bell and Vice President Kristi Rezabek with the Tennessee Appellate Courts were on hand to accept the award.

The Liberty Bell Award was established more than 40 years ago by the American Bar Association to acknowledge outstanding community service. Steen recognized the Inn of Court for its support for his public education initiative “Civics Enrichment for Kids." The curriculum, developed by the TBA Public Education Committee, educates middle school students on the unique role of the three branches of government, with a particular focus on the judicial branch.

Members of the Inn, including lawyers and judges, made more than 50 presentations to middle school classes in West Tennessee schools during Steen’s year in office. The program was so well received that the Inn has committed to continue making presentations throughout 2015 and 2016.

The 2015 Tennessee Bar Association Annual Convention was held in conjunction with several other legal organizations, including the Tennessee Judicial Conference, the Tennessee Association for Justice (TAJ) and the Tennessee Lawyers’ Association for Women (TLAW). This joint meeting allows legal groups in the state to address common issues and concerns and offers opportunities for additional education, long-range planning, and recognition of attorneys who have performed outstanding legal work and community service.

What is an Inn of Court?

TBA President-Elect Jason Long (left) presented the Liberty Bell Award to the Howell Edmunds Jackson American Inn of Court on behalf of outgoing President Jonathon Steen. Inn President Laura Williams (middle) and Vice President Kristi Rezabek (right) were on hand to accept the award.

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