TBA Law Blog

Posted by: Allan Ramsaur on May 29, 2015

Appropriations for the Legal Service Corporation for the next fiscal year is contained in the Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies Appropriations bill, which is set for a vote on the House floor on Tuesday. The committee mark up of the bill cuts LSC funding by 20 percent from the present $375 million to $300 million. An effort to eliminate all federal funding for legal aid and an effort to increase LSC funding beyond the committee level are also expected when the bill is considered. The TBA supports the funding level set in the administration budget proposal at $452 million. Supporters of this vital access to justice program should contact Tennessee members of congress urging a no vote on the zero funding proposal and a yes on any amendment to increase. For more detailed information, visit the ABA webpage on LSC funding. Watch for more in Monday’s issue of TBA Today.