TBA Law Blog

Posted by: Christy Gibson on Oct 31, 2013

The TBA Mentoring Program is geared to helping the growing number of newly admitted lawyers opening solo practices. Beginning now, and running through Jan. 3, 2014, TBA members in their first three years of law practice may apply to be matched with a mentor. Those participating in the program will commit to a formal mentoring relationship for one year -- beginning in February -- with a requirement that mentors and mentees meet face-to-face at least once a month. Participants will be able to choose one of two tracks: a track that offers up to seven hours of CLE credit or one that will not include CLE. Participants will choose from a variety of curriculum topics, materials for which will be available on the TBA website. In addition to seeking mentees, the TBA is recruiting attorneys with at least eight years of legal practice experience to serve as mentors. Whether you are a new lawyer in need of a mentor or a seasoned lawyer with wisdom to share, visit the TBA's mentoring webpage to learn more about this exciting opportunity.