Press Releases

Posted by: Stacey Shrader Joslin on May 1, 2013

Annual contest challenged students to explore promise of equality for all

NASHVILLE, May 7, 2013 -- Winchester eighth grader Jonathan M. Brewer from South Middle School has won first place in a Law Day art contest sponsored by the Tennessee Bar Association, while Knoxville 10th grader Caroline Julie Rogers of Bearden High School took first place in the essay contest.

The Tennessee Bar Association Young Lawyers Division each year holds a statewide art and essay contest in conjunction with Law Day -- a national day set aside to celebrate the rule of law. Established in 1958, Law Day provides an opportunity for young people to learn about the law and the American judicial system and an opportunity for lawyers to serve their communities.
The theme of this year's contest was "Realizing the Dream: Equality for All,” which asked students to explore civil and human rights movements in America and the impact they have had in promoting the ideal of equality under the law on this the 150th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation. Students also were asked to consider what remains to be done to rectify injustice in society, including eliminating all forms of discrimination, putting an end to human trafficking and ending other violations of human rights.
Second place in the art contest went to Jackson Steven James Ahern, a fourth grade student at Cedar Bluff Elementary School in Knoxville, while third place was awarded to Zee Marie Schumacher, a fourth grader at Immaculate Conception School in Clarksville. Honorable mention awards went to eighth grader Jon Carl Lowery at Zion Christian Academy in Columbia and Cedric Brame, a sixth grade student at Burks Middle School in Monterey.
In the essay contest, second place went to Savannah Oliver, a junior at Forrest High School in Chapel Hill, while third place went to Delaine Lorio, a ninth grader at Tennessee High School in Bristol.
Students placing in the top three slots will receive cash prizes for their entries and have their work displayed at the TBA's annual convention in Nashville, June 12-15. Winning entries also are posted online.