Press Releases

Posted by: Stacey Shrader Joslin on May 22, 2012

Award, won for 2nd year in a row, recognizes program for new lawyers

NASHVILLE, May 22, 2012 -- The Tennessee Bar Association (TBA) won a Rich Media Impact Award last week for using technology to help new law school graduates find work during the recession. The award, given by Sonic Foundry -- a video management platform for academic, enterprise and event webcasting -- recognizes outstanding achievement in using rich media to improve awareness, education and outreach.

In December 2011, the TBA created a new mentoring program called TBA All Access Network using Mediasite webcasts by Sonic Foundry. The service provides free videos offering tips on a diverse range of topics from starting a solo practice, to an overview of practice areas, to suggestions for advancing one's legal career. The resource is specifically targeted to new lawyers who may face a lack of legal jobs when they graduate.

The TBA also won an award in 2011 for its free webcasts explaining rules and regulations for volunteer lawyers to help victims of the May 2010 Nashville floods. The broadcasts explained how to file disaster declarations at the local, state and federal levels and shared expertise on individual assistance processes like insurance, FEMA benefits and the home buyout program.