TBA Law Blog

Posted by: Stacey Shrader Joslin on Aug 1, 2024

State Rep. G.A. Hardaway, D-Memphis, Memphis City Council member Pearl Walker and Shelby County District Attorney General Steve Mulroy are calling for a pilot program that would use real-time GPS monitoring to track repeat criminal offenders. The Daily Memphian reports that the group says that such a program could provide another option to jail or bail. “We know that we do not have time to waste,” Hardaway said at a press conference yesterday. “Every minute, someone’s life is at risk. This will take repeat offenders and put them where we can guide them.” The pilot would be an extension of a law that took effect July 1 and authorizes a magistrate to mandate a defendant wear a GPS monitor for certain domestic assault charges. Hardaway also said he plans to offer legislation to expand the law to other charges when the legislature convenes next year.