Press Releases

Posted by: Stacey Shrader Joslin on May 8, 2012

Annual contest challenges students to explore importance of the courts

NASHVILLE, May 8, 2012 -- Knoxville eighth grader Liana Hu of Farragut Middle School has won first place in a Law Day art contest sponsored by the Tennessee Bar Association, while Gloria Yu, a junior at Hardin Valley Academy in Knoxville, took first place in the essay contest.

The Tennessee Bar Association Young Lawyers Division each year holds a statewide art and essay contest in conjunction with Law Day -- a national day set aside to celebrate the rule of law. Established in 1958, Law Day provides an opportunity for young people to learn about the law and the American judicial system and an opportunity for lawyers to serve their communities. The theme of this year's contest was "No Courts, No Justice, No Freedom," which asked students to consider the importance of the courts and their role in ensuring access to justice for all Americans.
In the art contest, second place went to Chloe Stranahan, a sixth grade student at Meigs Middle School in Nashville. Third place was awarded to Victoria Grider, a seventh grader at South Pittsburg Academy in South Pittsburg.
Second place in the essay contest went to Jack Jones, a junior at the McCallie School in Chattanooga. Third place went to Brittany Brogdon, a senior at Henry County High School in Paris.
Students placing in the top three slots will receive cash prizes for their entries and have their work displayed at the TBA's annual convention in Memphis, June 6-9. Winning entries also can be viewed online