Press Releases

Posted by: Stacey Shrader Joslin on May 9, 2024

NASHVILLE, May 9, 2024 — University of Tennessee College of Law (UT Law) student Kim Riddett has been named the 2024 Law Student Volunteer of the Year by the Tennessee Bar Association. The award recognizes a Tennessee law student who provides outstanding volunteer services while working with an organization that provides legal representation to the indigent.

Headshot of Kimberly Riddett“Kim is a committed public interest law student who cares tremendously about helping those in need,” UT Law’s Director of Clinical Programs Joy Radice says. “She is a leader who is deeply committed to helping others and fighting injustice.”

The third-year law student found her calling for public service law while a student in the Fred D. Gray Institute for Law, Justice & Society at Nashville’s Lipscomb University. At law school, Riddett has volunteered with the Second Chance Expungement Clinic, Eviction Prevention Program, Veterans Clinic and other UT Law pro bono efforts.

“Kim went above and beyond in her support for the Second Chance Expungement Clinic, spending an entire Sunday ahead of the inaugural clinic organizing client criminal histories, analyzing cases and setting up case files,” Caitlin Torney of Legal Aid of East Tennessee says. “The next day, Kim came to the clinic and stayed for the entire five hours to support attorney volunteers as they learned how to work with expungement clients.”

The Law Student Volunteer award will be presented during a Public Service Award June 13 in Memphis as part of the TBA Annual Convention.

The Tennessee Bar Association (TBA) is the largest professional association in Tennessee with nearly 14,000 members. Founded in 1881, the TBA represents the entire spectrum of the legal profession in Tennessee and beyond, and is dedicated to enhancing fellowship and professionalism among the members of Tennessee’s legal community.