TBA Law Blog

Posted by: Julia Wilburn on Apr 16, 2024

The Tennessee House and Senate Finance committees have passed the FY2024/25 budget, HB2973/SB2942, which includes $8.6 million in additional recurring funding to increase the hourly rate an additional $10 an hour for court-appointed attorneys representing the indigent. Tennessee’s court-appointed attorneys, who represent indigent citizens who are statutorily and constitutionally entitled to legal counsel, are the lowest paid in the country, and have not had their hourly reimbursement rate raised in 26 years. The TBA has worked hand in hand with the Supreme Court and the Administrative Office of the Courts to encourage the General Assembly to fairly compensate attorneys representing the indigent. During the House Finance, Ways and Means Subcommittee meeting, House Finance Committee Chair Patsy Hazlewood, R-Signal Mountain, stated, “This is a start. It’s not market compensation, but it will allow us, hopefully, to address a problem. It’s very difficult for judges to find attorneys to take these indigent cases, so with additional funding, hopefully we will be able to get more cases through our system and stop the roadblocks.” The next step for the budget is passage by the House and Senate before they adjourn next week.