TBA Law Blog

Posted by: Stacey Shrader Joslin on Apr 11, 2024

Tennessee Bar Association leaders recently met with the members of the state’s congressional delegation in Washington. D.C., as part of the American Bar Association's (ABA) annual Day on the Hill. TBA President Jim Barry, President-elect Ed Lanquist, YLD President-elect Sean Aiello, ABA Resource Committee Chair Jonathan Cole and Executive Director Sheree Wright participated in the visits and other activities planned as part of the Day on the Hill event. Members of the group met with representatives from all nine congressional offices and both senators. The focus of this year’s ABA Day on the Hill was promoting support and funding for the Legal Services Corporation, as well as increased funding for federal public defenders, support for attorney-client confidentiality over prison email systems, reauthorization of the Higher Education Act and reforms to student lending.

ABA Day on the Hill 2024: TBA leaders visit with Sen. Marsha Blackburn
From left: Sheree Wright, Jim Barry, Sen. Marsha Blackburn, Jonathan Cole, Sean Aiello, Ed Lanquist

ABA Day on the Hill 2024 meeting with Sen. Hagerty staff
From left: Ed Lanquist, Sen. Hagerty's legislative aid JT Isaacs, Sheree Wright, Sen. Hagerty's Deputy Legislative Director Lucas Da Pieve, Sean Aiello, Sen. Hagerty's intern

ABA Day on the Hill 2024 meeting with Rep. DesJarlais
From left: Sean Aiello, Sheree Wright, U.S. Rep. Scott DesJarlais, Ed Lanquist

ABA Day on the Hill 2024 meeting with Rep. Harshberger staff   ABA Day on the Hill 2024 meeting with Rep. Chuck Fleischmann
Left: Ed Lanquist, Sean Aiello, Sheree Wright, U.S. Rep. Diana Harshbarger's Chief of Staff Zach Rutherford
Right: Sheree Wright, Jim Barry, U.S. Rep. Chuck Fleischmann