TBA Law Blog

Posted by: Julia Wilburn on Apr 5, 2024

A bill that would require public school students to watch a video on fetal development, or something comparable, produced by anti-abortion group Live Action is headed to Gov. Bill Lee's desk for his signature. The Associated Press reports that SB2767, sponsored by Sen. Janice Bowling, R-Tullahoma, mirrors similar proposals, all backed by the group, that have popped up this year in Iowa, Kentucky, Missouri and West Virginia. North Dakota was the first state to adopt the idea last year. The video has been criticized by some educators and physicians, and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists has said the video is anti-abortion misinformation “designed to manipulate the emotions of viewers.” Bowling says, “It does show conception and it’s an AI-type of film, but it’s medically correct ... And it shows the moment when the sperm unites with the egg, and that is the beginning of life.”