TBA Law Blog

Posted by: Stacey Shrader Joslin on Mar 18, 2024

In oral arguments today, U.S. Supreme Court justices appeared skeptical of a challenge to how the Biden administration encouraged social media platforms to remove posts that federal officials deemed misinformation, Reuters reports. The case is testing whether the administration crossed the line from mere communication and persuasion to strong-arming or coercing platforms to unlawfully censor speech about topics such as elections and COVID-19. A lower court had imposed a preliminary injunction on how White House and other federal officials communicate with social media platforms. The Supreme Court paused that order last fall. Also today, the court hard arguments over whether a New York state official can be sued for violating the National Rifle Association's constitutional free speech rights after he allegedly pressured banks and insurers to avoid doing business with the group. Read more about that case here.