TBA Law Blog

Posted by: Julia Wilburn on Feb 16, 2024

Several bills have been moving through the legislative process this week. A House panel has advanced a bill that would make it illegal for an adult to help a minor get an abortion without parental consent. The TN Ledger reports that, if enacted, the measure would make it illegal for an adult who "recruits, harbors or transports" a pregnant minor within the state to get an abortion without consent from the minor's parents or guardians. In other news, the proposed ELVIS Act unanimously passed the House Banking and Consumer Affairs Subcommittee following testimony from singer and actress Chrissy Metz, songwriter board member Jamie Moore and Recording Industry Association of America Senior Vice President of Public Policy Jessie Richard. The bill would protect the individual voice, image and likeness against irresponsible uses of AI technology, according to the Tennessean. A bill to require students to have firearm safety training at school has passed the House Education Instruction Subcommittee, WPLN reports. And legislation that would give officiants the power to refuse to marry anyone with whose habits or lifestyle they disagree is headed to the governor for his signature, reports Fox Chattanooga. Opponents say the bill is unnecessary and that the law already allows pastors to refuse to perform marriages. Finally, two bills have been delayed, according to news reports. "Jillian's Law," which would close a loophole for those currently deemed incompetent to stand trial, has been paused until legislators "ensure it does not become law without the funding to pay for it," according to WJHL. Also delayed was proposed legislation that would ban the practice of running for two offices at the same, The Tennessee Journal reports.